Space Sciences/Astrophysics Seminar with Jörn Wilms on Highlights from eROSITA

Space Sciences/Astrophysics Seminar with Jörn Wilms on Highlights from eROSITA

Jörn Wilms (Hosted by Nowak) from Remeis Observatory, Astronomisches Institut der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, will be presenting an astrophysics seminar, "Highlights from eROSITA - an Update"

Launched on 13 July 2019, the eROSITA instrument has performed the deepest All Sky Survey of the 0.2-10 keV X-ray sky to date. Before the survey had to be put on hold because of the Russian invasion into the Ukraine, eROSITA had already discovered more than a million new x-ray sources and revealed a wealth of data on X-ray variable sources.

In this talk, Wilms will give an overview of the scientific goals of the X-ray survey, discuss the as-flown-performance of eROSITA, and present selected science highlights of the mission that give an impression on what can be done with the public release of the data from the first 6 months of the survey, which will become available before the end of the year.

Sponsored by the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences.